Karrinyup Dermatology

Hyperhidrosis Clinic

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition involving excessive sweating. It can significantly impact a person’s daily life and cause emotional distress. There are three common subtypes of hyperhidrosis: axillary (armpit), hands and feet, and generalised.

Do you experience excessive sweating?

We offer specialised services and solutions to help you manage hyperhidrosis effectively. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing personalised care tailored to your specific needs. Consultations to consider treatment plans for excessive sweating can attract Medicare rebates. Book a consultation to learn more today. We are located at 5 Cheddar Place, Karrinyup WA 6018. 

Book your hyperhidrosis visit

To make an online booking for the hyperhidrosis clinic, click the book now link. Otherwise you can email or call the clinic to book an appointment or find out more.

More info

Fees & Rebates: for more information click here

What is hyperhidrosis?: to learn about the condition click here

Referrals: to find out more about referrals click here

Treatments that really work: to learn more click here
