Your Skin Cancer Check: What to Expect

Preparing for your visit

  • Don’t wear make-up or jewellery (this can hide skin lesions)
  • Remember to bring any GP referrals & Medicare Card on the day
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow time for parking and check in

Contact details, practice location, and parking information can be found here.

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On the day

The reception team will check you in when you arrive, and may ask you to fill out some basic paperwork while you wait.

Rest assured- You won’t be waiting long. Our priority access service aims to run as efficiently as possible, to respect your time.

The Skin Check

A nurse will bring you to a room with privacy curtains to undress, and to ask relevant questions about your skin. 

We recommend a full body skin check to ensure nothing is missed. This involves undressing to your underwear- but we are always guided by your needs and comfort.

When you are ready, the Dermatologist will perform a skin examination and answer questions you may have. They may use a medical device called a dermatoscope to examine certain moles in more detail (this is painless).

The Dermatologist may recommend liquid nitrogen to ‘freeze’ minor skin damage and prevent it becoming cancerous. They may also recommend taking a small ‘biopsy’ (skin sample) to diagnose non-melanoma skin cancers.

Surgical Procedures

If you need a surgical procedure, such as the removal of a suspected skin cancer, or biopsy of a suspected melanoma, this will be booked for a different day to give you time to prepare. The Dermatologist will discuss any recommended surgical procedures on the day of your skin check.